
3 Cold Email Frameworks to Help You Achieve High Conversion Rates

February 14, 2022
6 minutes

Cold email is a highly potent low-cost tool that can lead to significant success if used correctly by any business. Cold email remains an underappreciated, inexpensive way to reach your target market and let them know about your company or product, leading to an incredible ROI. It also remains an incredible way for people to learn about your product as a deeper emotional connection is forged when they learn about you through email.

However, it'll be challenging to produce worthwhile responses through cold email until your company has a solid plan. According to a recent survey, nearly 120 emails are received every day by employees, with 59% of recipients finding sales pitches in them to be improper. Most of the time, the copy is off, the target is poor, the list is rife with bounces and people don’t know how to properly optimize! 

Sending out the typical commercial email to everyone on your list will result in a poor reply rate, due to bad deliverability and a high chance of landing in the spam box, NOT the inbox (where you NEED to be!). If you want your email to stand out, you'll need personalization and meaningful, impactful content in your cold emails.

With a sound cold email technique, marketers may develop new leads and grow their business quicker than when using other channels. Before they buy, customers conduct research. When researching a new product or achieving success, nearly 71 percent of buyers want to hear from the marketers.

The key to a successful open rate is ensuring deliverability and an eye-catching subject line. A study from MarketingDive found that personalizing email subject lines can increase open rates by 50%.

But subject line and deliverability alone won't drive the conversion - the focus of today's piece. Cold emails need to be structured around the customer's needs, not solely on your goal of getting a response. So, let's look at proven cold emailing frameworks that generate results and help your sales and marketing teams build relationships.

AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action

This framework is a proven Cold email framework that has been used for over a century. It was developed in 1898 by St Elmo Lewis in an attempt to explain how personal selling works.

The AIDA framework offers Cold email subject lines to engage your target market and generate more replies. This Cold Email Framework might be the one to have up your sleeve as it is simple and easy to use.

The AIDA Cold Email Framework acronym represents Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.


The first thing you must do is hook your reader's attention with a catchy subject line. Cold email subject lines can be used to intrigue your reader or make them curious. Be creative in this stage.

For example, you could write Cold emails with questions like "Do you have a 401K savings account?” or “Hey, do you workout?”

There are many creative ways to get attention - just keep in mind that the more subtle and relevant your Cold email is to the person's job role, interests, and needs, the more attention you'll get back.


After you've grabbed their attention, the next step is to make them relate to the material and keep them engaged. Again, with a cold email introduction, you must nurture interest among the receiver and encourage them to read your message using interesting facts or uses.

In Cold emails, you can do this by showing empathy and listing common problems that someone of their persona may encounter (hint: something your product can solve in the desire phase).

Example: “You’re 85% more likely to workout if you schedule time the night before.”


In this section, you must highlight the advantages that your clients may gain from your products or services and motivate them to want what you have to offer.

Example: “Mark saw a 28% bump in Shopify sales by installing {app}. You can get similar results right away.”


To conclude your email, you must lure your target audience to take action, such as trying or purchasing the product. It would be ideal if the reader could click a CTA button in the email to act on your landing page, website, etc.

Example: “Signup to our email newsletter right here to get updates.” or "Download {app} today at no cost to amplify your sales approach."

The AIDA framework provides a short, concise cold email that draws interest and converts - making it a favorite at Growtoro.

THe AIDA Framework
The AIDA Framework

PAS: Problem, Agitate, Solution

The PAS Cold email framework is a Cold Email that focuses on your target market's key issues and then offers a direct solution.


It's crucial to understand your customers' issues in order to produce content that prompts a response. And that is exactly what great copywriting is all about.

The more vividly you can describe your audience's issue, the better. When someone reads your description, they should feel as if you're communicating with them over their thoughts - a fast track to trusting you.

Example:  "Have you ever had a bad hair day and didn’t know what to do?"


You've discovered a problem. Now you have to make it hurt by adding more emotion or "pouring salt onto the wound." The trick is not to agitate too much - don’t let your reader wallow and show them a way out.

Example: "A bad hair day may cause that unwanted embarrassment."


This is where you come to the rescue - when you offer an easy fix that will be the tonic your audience has been searching for. This copywriting technique requires the author to concentrate on a major pain point for the reader and delve into people's emotions around it.

Example: "Read our latest blog to find ten temporary hairstyles to fix your bad hair day."

The PAS (Problem Agitate Solution) Framework
The PAS Framework

BAB: Before-After-Bridge

Before-After-Bridge builds trust with your audience by showing that you care about their issues. It creates an emotional connection between your brand and the customer. When followed correctly, it makes it easy to write excellent copy that compels your audience to take action.


The before helps you build up to your ask by discussing the current state of things and giving some background information on the problem you're solving. It's a great way to get started and pique interest right off the bat.

Example: "Are you tired of spending thousands of dollars on Facebook Ads without much conversion?"


Perhaps the most crucial Cold email framework is after, where your goal is to explain why your solution (product or service) is an ideal fit. Cold email recipients like to see that you've done your research and put some thought into the message, so use this part as a chance to talk about what makes you different from other competitors. What will their life look like now that they have your solution or product in place?

Example: "Imagine having the direct emails of the exact audience you'd like to target to get your ads in front of."


The bridge Cold email framework is used to make the connection between your product or service and its value. Unfortunately, it's also the Cold email framework section where most people drop the ball; instead of talking about what's in it for them, they'll go on and on about how great their company is (no one cares).

You can leave out this Cold email framework, but it's an excellent opportunity to demonstrate endorsements from influencers and close the deal.

Example: "Growtoro makes this possible with our lookalike audience email list builder, where clients increase their ROAS by 50% in days."

Before-After-Bridge Framework

As you can see, using simple yet effective frameworks can increase your Cold email response rates or conversions by a large margin. All three of these cold email frameworks are incredibly effective for any business so choosing the proper Cold email framework depends on your target audience. Once you have selected the Cold email framework that works best for you, it's time to sit down and write some Cold emails!

Have any questions about running cold email campaigns or reaching the right audience? Reach out now at to learn more about how we run cold-email campaigns at scale or boost your Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and other social paid campaigns.

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